Internet of Things (IoT)
Internet of Things (IoT)
Digital & Technological Transformation
Logient is your partner to back and train you at all stages of this digital and technological transformation. Discover our IoT service offer.
Create & Manage the IoT Application Tailored to Your Business Needs
Developing its application in the IOT context brings a whole array of decisions to be made, both from the point of view of your company’s strategic development and in regards to technological choices. Which technology to use? Which platforms to target? What costs are related to these platforms? What priorities should be given in a changing market? Entrust Logient with the analysis of your needs using a cost and benefit approach in collaboration with your teams.
In order for humans to interact with objects, they need applications. These applications are diverse and take different forms, including native computer applications, Web applications, mobile applications on phones or tablets, touch screens mounted on the objects themselves, files to manipulate, data reports.
Choose IoT Systems, Embedded
Software & Networks
At the source of any IoT system emerges data, intelligence, the very essence of the systems that your business earns its income from.
From a technical point of view, developing embedded software is rigorous and knowledge-based work that Logient masters. During our consulting services process, Logient discusses with you all aspects of electronic systems, boards and printed circuit design, programming and exhaustive testing in their environment.
Our expertise is based on knowledge of development tools, software performance, systems architecture and resource optimization. We address the interconnectivity of systems especially in IoT and M2M, at all levels.
Our technical experience guarantees safe, fast, reliable and innovative systems.
- Architecture and choice of components
- Security of embedded systems
- Costs and ROI
- Longevity of systems
- Choice of communication technologies
- Interconnectivity and networks
- Technological integration into existing systems and compatibility
- Automation of tests in the embedded context
- Technological analysis
- Analysis of communication protocols Addition of temporary labour to support your development
- Hardware development
Virtualize & Simulate the Result
of the Internet of Things (IoT)
Why simulate the IoT world? The virtualization of IoT systems serves several purposes, including as a proof of concept. It reduces the time and costs of technology development and provides proof of the validity of project assumptions in order to assess business opportunities. In addition, virtualization and IoT simulation promote buy-in from decision makers, investors or clients since a picture is worth a thousand words!
Second, virtualization makes it possible to reproduce a model of our entire system and each of its components and devices in order to study it without having to physically design it. This is the field of digital twinning which allows to recreate its complete environment, or to model embedded systems to recreate the device in simulation mode (software and simulated hardware).
The Logient team helps you choose the best direction to take in virtualization and IoT system development; always with the aim of optimizing development costs, resource utilization and schedule.
Developing the final code in a virtual environment allows you to work alongside hardware design and then integrate the code when the hardware is ready. Thus, we can recreate a model of all the components of a system and control them in real time:
- The object itself
- The surrounding data
- The cloud platform
- Links with applications
- Security
- The digital twin of an environment and its objects
This approach allows the functionality of the system to be tested separately from its final implementation, which:
- Secures the final application quickly
- Makes testing much easier.
- Produces a quick deliverable
Determine The Type of Cloud Hosting and Back-End
Connect, monitor and manage your assets in style! Cloud computing offers a multitude of services for IoT applications: fast data storage, sound management of user access rights, the ability to write code on the server side and share it where the code is running, interaction with remote systems, including BI. In addition, different AI algorithms are available in the cloud to give focus to your projects.
Logient intervenes at different levels, in particular:
- Data management: fast database in PaaS mode
- Application management and business logic: microservices
- API, file and data management
- Connectors to other third–party applications
- Alerts and notifications during events, emergencies, etc.
- Object management platform in the field
- Management of cybersecurity related to objects
- User management: when there are thousands of objects, access must be controlled
- Management of the geolocation of objects and people
So that connected machines and objects can connect in order to store data or run artificial intelligence algorithms, Logient can integrate IoT connectivity software at the hardware level. Sharing the processing of certain data on the back-end makes it possible in several ways to secure its code and to distribute the computational load with the embedded system. Also, access to the cloud platform is equipped with high security elements, which limits the risk of hacking.
Manage Massive Data, Mega Data or Big Data
Big Data, also known as massive data or mega data, is probably the most important part of the Internet of Things (IoT). This is the heart to be defined to justify the return on investment of any digital transformation project in your business.
With the help of Logient, process a multitude of data underlying your business and generated in large quantities and in real time in order to automate your decision-making processes and increase your competitiveness, your profitability and your user, employee and client experience. This data affects your business processes, your employees and clients, your machines, your data sensors in the field, your devices, your places, etc.
Big data consulting engineering has a set of challenges to define and optimize and mainly affects the analysis, the means of data capture, their storage and conservation, the sharing of this data, research and visualization, transfer means and the network, as well as security, obviously.
Logient develops a variety of statistical analysis machines that allow data to be visualized. Thanks to our real-time storage strategies and efficient distributed search engines like Elasticsearch from Microsoft Azure, Logient develops fast and efficient front-ends. Our conservation strategies go through the analysis of the generated data, the generation of multidimensional models and the configuration of an OLAP-type storage environment.