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Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton

Maintenance plan for five WordPress Web sites

RCGT did not have the required human resources to maintain its five Web sites. Furthermore, upper management wanted to enjoy a certain peace of mind when it came to their maintenance and proper functioning. It therefore requested that the management of system updates and errors be entrusted to an external provider.


Technology integration


In addition to supporting RCGT’s Web sites and their maintenance, Logient also ensures that all security standards are respected. Furthermore, in an effort to stabilize the environments, improve performance and benefit from redundancy, the sites were migrated from iWeb to Microsoft Azure, resulting in a solution that is both stable and robust.


The performance and stability objectives were more than met. The sites now benefit from increased capacity to allow a greater number of simultaneous visitors, faster deployment of changes and real time monitoring to immediately notify Logient of any issues.

About RCGT

Founded in 1948, Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton is one of Canada’s leading companies in the areas of certification, tax, consulting, business turnaround and insolvency.

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