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Nova Steel

Maintenance and evolution of ERP application

Eager to offer an optimized solution to their users, Acier Nova has been looking for a partner to assist in taking charge of the maintenance and advancement of their Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). They are looking to maintain the value of their system for the long run, increase agility, and improve the quality of their service delivery.

Custom software
Distribution and manufacturing


A team of developers, a quality assurance analyst, a solutions architect, and a Scrum Master working directly from Logient offices was put in place to take charge of the maintenance, system improvements, and the implementation of large-scale projects. Acier Nova employees made regular visits to the Logient offices to collaborate with the assigned team, which ensured efficient project management.


A solid partnership that allows for quick additions of several improvements to the ERP application, as well as to the integration process, thanks most notably to the enhancement in the irregularity management process, and the communication put in place.

About Nova Steel

Acier Nova handles and distributes carbon steel, stainless steel, and aluminum products. They produce steel tubing intended for various markets, and laminate flat products. The company operates in nine cities across Canada, the US, and Mexico.

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